Microsoft Officially Acquires Activision Blizzard, Nearly Two Years Later

Microsoft has officially closed its deal to buy Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion, marking Microsoft’s biggest acquisition of all time and one of the largest in the history of the business world across all sectors. The deal faced a good amount of regulatory pressure, as Microsoft faced scrutiny from government groups around the world. Key legal battles took place in the United States and the UK. Microsoft announced the deal in February 2022. The announcement of the deal closing came just hours after the UK’s CMA itself signed off, and this was the final regulatory hurdle that Microsoft needed to clear to close the deal. Come from Sports betting site VPbet

A key concern from the CMA centered on cloud gaming, and to help close the deal, Microsoft sold cloud-gaming rights to Ubisoft.

“All the games that are coming from Activision Blizzard in the next 15 years and those games that exist now, we have those streaming rights in perpetuity,” Ubisoft said in its own announcement pertaining to the closure of the deal today.

Microsoft is paying Activision Blizzard $95 per share for the buyout. Microsoft’s previous biggest acquisition was LinkedIn, which it paid $26.2 billion to acquire in 2016. For comparison, Disney bought Lucasfilm and the Star Wars series for $4.05 billion.

As part of the buyout, Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick is apparently planning to resign. Other high-ranking Activision Blizzard C-suite executives are leaving, too. Kotick will stay on through the end of 2023 and will report to Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer to help with the transition. Kotick is reported to be getting a $400 million pay package on the way out.

“As a result of the Merger and pursuant to the Merger Agreement, each of Reveta Bowers, Kerry Carr, Robert Corti, Brian Kelly, Robert Kotick, Barry Meyer, Robert Morgado, Peter Nolan and Dawn Ostroff resigned and ceased to be directors of the Company and members of any committee or subcommittee of the Company’s Board of Directors as of the Effective Time, and Keith R. Dolliver and Benjamin O. Orndorff, who constituted the directors of Merger Sub as of immediately prior to the Effective Time, became the directors of the Company.”

Do not expect Activision or Blizzard games to appear on Game Pass today or even soon, though. The Game Pass Twitter/X account said work “can now begin” to bring games from Activision Blizzard and King to Game Pass. “We can’t wait to share more details in the coming months,” Microsoft said.

Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer reacted to the deal closing, writing, “As one team, we’ll learn, innovate, and continue to deliver on our promise to bring the joy and community of gaming to more people.”

He added: “We’ll do this in a culture that strives to empower everyone to do their best work, where all people are welcome, and is centered on our ongoing commitment of Gaming for Everyone.”

Spencer said in a memo to staff, “We are eager to learn from their creativity, exchange insights and best practices, and empower our new colleagues to bring their visions to the widest possible audience.”

New Black Widow Posters Reveal Other People In Natasha's Costume

Arriving in theaters and to Disney+ Premier Access on July 9, the first MCU movie in Phase 4 is none other than Black Widow. To celebrate the upcoming release, Disney has unleashed a slew of new posters for the movie, featuring Rachel Weisz’s character in the Black Widow costume.

Weisz plays fellow assassin Melina Vostokoff, who in the comics trained as an assassin, but always in the shadows of Natasha RomanoffCome from Sports betting site VPbet. As you can see from the poster below, she’s wearing a similar outfit we’ve seen Black Widow wear in the other MCU movies.

The Switch Topples Xbox 360 To Become No. 3 Best-Selling Console Ever In The US

The Nintendo Switch continues to soar and it’s now reached a huge new sales milestone. The hybrid console has surpassed the lifetime sales of the Xbox 360 in the United States.

The milestone came in November, Circana analyst Mat Piscatella said. The PS2 and the Nintendo DS are the top two best-selling systems ever, in that order, meaning Switch is now NoCome from Sports betting site VPbet. 3 all time in the United States. The NPD does not disclose specific sales numbers, however.

Spider-Man- Remastered – Análisis

En 2018 nuestro amigo y vecino Spider-Man debutó en PlayStation 4 con un juego creado por Insomniac Games que, para muchos, es el mejor título creado sobre este icónico personaje de Marvel, tanto por las posibilidades que nos daba a nivel jugable como por su calidad técnica el montón de guiños o referencias a los cómics o series animadas del Trepamuros que hay presentes durante todo el juego.

Cuatro años más tarde y tras recibir una remasterización en PS5, Spider-Man llega ahora a nuestros ordenadores con Spider-Man Remastered, que adapta esa última versión de la consola de actual generación de Sony a compatibles como parte de la estrategia de Sony de llevar los juegos de PlayStation a la plataforma del teclado y el ratón, dándonos una adaptación que, como veréis durante el texto, está bastante bien pulida, demostrándonos una vez más que Sony le está cogiendo muy bien el tino a eso de llevar sus obras a PC.

Por cierto, antes de empezar queremos recordaros que, como suele ocurrir en los análisis de este tipo de adaptaciones a ordenador, vamos a centrarnos en los aspectos más técnicos ya que para hablar de la historia, jugabilidad, misiones y otros aspectos podéis acudir al análisis original haciendo clic aquí.

Muchas opciones para que Spidey pueda lanzar telarañas en un montón de ordenadores

Como es habitual en estos análisis de adaptaciones a PC de juegos de PlayStation, vamos a comenzar haciendo un repaso por las opciones gráficas que incluye el juego y que son más que suficientes para que casi cualquier ordenador destinado a jugar con menos de 8 años de edad (podéis consultar los requisitos mínimos y recomendados aquí), pudiendo escoger entre un buen número de parámetros que afectan a las texturas, luces y sombras, geometría, desbloquear la tasa de fps (o bloquearla a 60 o a la tasa de refresco de nuestra pantalla) y otros aspectos del juego tal y como vais a ver un poco más abajo.

Lo que sí echamos de menos ahora que ya tenemos unos cuantos juegos de Sony en PC es ver algo más de unificación en las opciones técnicas de estos juegos o, al menos, en detalles extras tan interesantes como el test de rendimiento de Horizon: Zero Dawn, la predicción de fps que podíamos ver retocando las opciones gráficas de Days Gone o la vista previa de cómo afectaban ciertas opciones gráficas a la calidad visual del juego presentes en God of War. Sí, es cierto que son títulos de distintas desarrolladoras y que incluso son adaptados a PC por estudios diferentes (en este caso Nixxes) pero de cara al futuro creemos que la compañía nipona debería tener algún tipo de “configuración estándar” en sus adaptaciones.

En el caso de Spider-Man: Remastered, no tenemos ninguna de las características de los anteriores, ni benchmark, ni vista previa ni predicción de fps por lo que tendremos que retocar los parámetros en mitad de Manhattan o Queens para ver cómo va funcionando el juego en cada momento. Aquí tenéis el listado completo de opciones gráficas:


Modo de Pantalla

  • Monitor
  • Modo Ventana
  • Resolución de pantalla
  • Frecuencia de actualización


  • Brillo
  • HDR
  • Luminancia Máxima HDR


  • Método de Reescalado
  • Calidad de Reescalado
  • Escala de Resolución Dinámica
  • Suavizado de Bordes


  • Predeterminado


  • Calidad de Texturas
  • Filtrado de Texturas

Luces y sombras

  • Calidad de Sombras
  • Oclusión Ambiental
  • Reflejos de trazado de rayos
  • Reflejos del espacio en pantalla


  • Nivel de Detalle
  • Calidad de partículas meteorológicas

Efectos de Cámara

  • Profundidad de campo
  • Resplandor
  • Destellos de Lente
  • Aberración Cromática
  • Intensidad de Desenfoque de Movimiento
  • Campo de Visión
  • Intensidad de Grano Fotográfico

Un rendimiento para disfrutar de la experiencia más fluida y ágil de Spider-Man

Entrando ya en la materia más interesante y que todo queréis saber vamos a hablaros del rendimiento y optimización de Spider-Man Remastered para PC, un juego que se ve muy pero que muy bien y que en todo momento nos ha ofrecido resultados satisfactorios, sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta que estamos ante un juego de mundo abierto, encontrándonos con una experiencia bastante sólida a la que, si tuviéramos que poner algunos lunares, sería alguna caída de fps muy puntual en mundo abierto con el ray tracing al máximo (apenas hay diferencia entre las opciones Alta y Muy Alta así que os recomendamos el primer valor que es mucho más estable en rendimiento que el máximo disponible) y un ligero ghosting en ciertas situaciones muy concretas si usamos DLSS (aunque como decimos, es en momentos muy puntuales como cuando giramos la cámara en horizontal muy rápido y estamos subidos a un edificio contemplando las calles de Nueva York).

Centrándonos en nuestra prueba, nosotros hemos utilizado un PC con una gráfica NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, procesador Intel i9-11900K, 64 GB de memoria RAM, el juego instalado en una unidad SSD NVMe y Windows 11 y hemos podido jugar perfectamente a 4K y 60 fps muy estables con todo al máximo (activando la sincronización vertical para grabar el gameplay que acompaña este análisis a 60 fps lo más estables posibles) a excepción de la opción de trazado de rayos que hemos dejado en Alto en lugar de Muy Alto para ganar estabilidad y unos pocos fps. Todas las pruebas se han hecho con todas las opciones gráficas al máximo y solo hemos retocado la opción de trazado de rayos que es la que más afecta al rendimiento, además de utilizar la tecnología de reescalado y suavizado de texturas DLSS en modo calidad. Aquí tenéis los resultados de los test que se han realizado balanceándonos con telas de araña por las calles de Nueva York:

Bar Chart

Como podéis ver, con Spider-Man Remastered ocurre algo muy curioso y es que la resolución no afecta en demasía al rendimiento, algo que puede deberse a algún problema de optimización o a que algún tipo de proceso vinculado al procesador esté haciendo cuello de botellas en algún lado, aunque al menos a nosotros no nos ha pasado de un 60 % de uso de CPU en nuestras pruebas técnicas. Pese a que el rendimiento es bueno para ser un mundo abierto con la calidad visual del juego de Peter Parker, es un punto que Nixxes debe solucionar tras el lanzamiento, algo que no dudamos que será así ya que, desde que recibimos el juego hasta que hicimos las últimas pruebas técnicas hace unas horas, el estudio ahora propiedad de Sony no ha dejado de actualizarlo y de mejorar el rendimiento con respecto a test anteriores y, de hecho, hay previsto un parche de lanzamiento que debería llegar poco antes del debut del juego el próximo 12 de agosto.

En cuanto a la calidad visual, Spider-Man: Remastered en PC se ve de maravilla y vais a notar diferencia, sobre todo, si venís de la versión de PS4 a la de ordenador, mientras que si ya habéis jugado a la remasterización de PS5, los aspectos más evidentes en cuanto a mejoras son una mejor calidad en las sombras y una calles de Nueva York más pobladas en los puntos más concurridos de esta gran urbe.

Además también queremos mencionar como punto positivo la inclusión de la tecnología de reescalado DLSS de NVIDIA que tan buenos resultados nos ha dado siempre y cuyo valor está fuera de toda duda, además, si tenéis gráfica AMD podéis optar por FSR 2.0 (una tecnología similar) y cualquiera puede decantarse por IGTI (una tecnología de reescalado propia de Insomniac). Por último, mencionar la tecnología de suavizado DLLA que se ha convertido en la mejor opción para retocar las texturas del juego siempre que no utilicemos Ray Tracing (ni DLSS).

Tiempos de carga, buena adaptación al teclado y ratón y otras características de Spider-Man en PC

Si hablamos de los tiempos de carga, tanto para viajes rápidos como para continuar la partida estos tiempos en PC con un SSD NVMe están alrededor de los tres segundos de duración (un poco más o menos dependiendo de lo que esté haciendo nuestro ordenador) por lo que estamos más que satisfechos con estos tiempos similares a los de PS5.

En cuanto a la adaptación al teclado y al ratón, tenemos opciones de sobra para jugar con los controles que queramos, el comportamiento del ratón es bueno en todo momento y la interfaz se ha adaptado completamente a estos dos periféricos, aunque por el tipo de juego ante el que estamos sigue siendo más cómodo utilizar un mando, pudiendo usar el DualSense de PS5 si queremos disfrutar de la retroalimentación háptica o de los gatillos adaptativos (opciones también presentes en la versión de PC lo que le hacen el mando perfecto para jugar a este título) o, para los que no tengáis el DualSense, cualquier otro mando compatible, incluyendo los de Xbox.

Además, también encontraremos una gran variedad de opciones de relaciones aspecto pudiendo jugar con pantallas ultra anchas de 21:9, panorámicas de 32:9 o con opciones de múltiples monitores, estando especialmente optimizado para usarlo con tres monitores a la vez. Otro aspecto interesante es la posibilidad de guardar las partidas en la nube en Steam o en Epic Games Store.

Sony les ha cogido el punto a las adaptaciones a PC

Sony ha demostrado saber coger rápidamente el ritmo y el “truco” para adaptar los juegos exclusivos de PS4 o PS5 a PC. Tras los problemas que vimos con Horizon: Zero Dawn (probablemente por encargar la adaptación a un estudio externo), Sony nos ha ofrecido conversiones muy buenas de Days Gone, God of War y ahora Spider-Man Remastered.

En el caso del juego de nuestro adorable vecino Spidey, el acabado visual es muy disfrutable (aunque no os sorprenderá tanto si venís de la remasterización de PS5, sí que hay ciertas mejoras) y podemos jugar a 60 fps estables con relativa facilidad, aunque hay un ligero cuello de botella en algún punto que hace que no ganemos demasiado rendimiento a resoluciones inferiores a 4K y, ahora que ya han cogido el “truco” a estas adaptaciones, quizás a Sony lo que le pediríamos en un futuro es un poco de homogeneidad en las opciones gráficas, ya que en este sentido los 4 juegos son muy dispares entre sí y, en el caso de Spider-Man: Remastered, agradeceríamos algún tipo de benchmark o “predicción de fps”, aunque se trata de un aspecto menor y una petición a futuro más que un problema de esta adaptación en concreto, que encantará a todos los amantes del Hombre Araña, a los que disfrutéis de los juegos de acción en mundo abierto y a todos los que estéis encantados de hincar el diente a cualquier cosa que tenga que ver con Marvel o con Superhéroes.

Hemos realizado este análisis gracias a un código para Steam proporcionado por PlayStation.

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Today's Wordle Answer (#591) – January 31, 2023

It’s Tuesday, January 31, and we’re back with another edition of our Wordle guides. It’s the last day of January, so players will want to ensure they end this month on the right note. Luckily, today’s answer isn’t too difficult, but it does feature a tricky spelling that might trip players up in their first few guesses.

If you haven’t started the January 31 Wordle yet, you can check out our list of recommended starting words to give yourself an advantage before you’ve begun. However, if you’re already a few guesses deep and you’re on this guide, then you’re likely looking for a lifeline so your streak doesn’t end. Fortunately, we’re here to provide that lifeline and offer some hints that should allow players to easier guess the answer. Below, players will see two hints for today’s Wordle in addition to the full answer that’s located further down in the guide.

Today’s Wordle Answer – January 31, 2023

We’ll begin with two hints that directly relate to the Wordle answer but won’t immediately give the word away.

  • Hint 1: This word is most commonly used in Christianity. It can be defined as an object that features two intersecting lines or pieces. This word is sometimes preceded by an “a” at the start of it.
  • Hint 2: This word has one vowel in the middle of the word. There is one repeating letter in this word. The word starts with the letter “c.”

If you weren’t able to guess the answer from our hints, then fear not, as we have the full answer right here. The full answer to the January 31 Wordle is… “cross.” The double letter will certainly trip up some players, as always. Hopefully, every player was able to get the Wordle correct and continue their streak. Check back tomorrow for another edition of our Wordle guides.

Zelda- Tears Of The Kingdom – Mayak Shrine Puzzle Guide

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Mayak Shrine puzzle requires quick movement on your part. In it, you’ll have to hit switches to ensure that the large orb hits the target. Here’s our guide to help you solve the Mayak Shrine Timely Catches puzzle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

How to solve the Mayak Shrine Timely Catches puzzle in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Mayak Shrine can be found in the northern portion of the Eldin region. The idea is to glide all the way near the edge of the map where you’ll see the skeletal carcass of a gargantuan Eldin Beast. From there, look to the west to spot the Shrine.

Alternatively, you can use the Typhlo Ruins Skyview Tower. Then, glide north-northeast past the Sword Geoglyph.

Puzzle #1

For the first part of the Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Mayak Shrine Timely Catches Puzzle, you’ll want to look at the objects in the room. There’s a small switch in front of you. When hit, it will cause the bullseye target to pop out. If you Ascend to the ledge up top, you’ll also see a giant sphere that can roll down a railing.

The idea is to use Ultrahand to move the ball and have it start its downward roll. Then, quickly shoot the switch with your bow. This will make sure that the ball lands on the target. If you make a mistake, don’t worry since you can always cast Recall.

Puzzle #2

For the second part, you’ll need to be extremely fast. The switch itself is on the ground level as you enter. However, you’ll also notice the push blocks that give you a boosted jump. Use these to reach the top, where you’ll find another giant orb.

The goal, once again, is to move it so that it starts rolling. Once that occurs, quickly run off the edge and skydive back down (just don’t hit the ground at full speed or Link will die). As soon as you’re back down, strike the switch with a fast weapon to pop the bullseye target.

Alternatively, you can get the ball rolling (pun intended), then cast Recall on it before jumping down. This should give you a couple of extra seconds to get ready before hitting the switch.

Maryland Jockey Club Shut Down the Pimlico Race Course from June 30

Due to financial problems, the Pimlico Race Course decided to shut down its off-track betting facility. This radical measure will take place on June 30, as Maryland Jockey Club, the owner of the Pimlico and Laurel Park tracks, notified the employees.

Providing the resources for the employees:

The date of shutting the facility down coincides with the expiration of the key agreement for racing operations in the state.

Mike Rogers, the acting president of the Jockey Club, said that the decision was tough. He wrote in an email to the employees: “The Pimlico OTB has been a valuable part of our organization for many years, providing a convenient location for our customers to enjoy thoroughbred racing. Understandably, this news may come as a disappointment to many of you.”

In the following period, the company will focus on providing resources and assistance to the employees affected by this shutting down.

The Maryland Racing Commission wasn’t notified about the recent events. However, the next meeting of the Commission is scheduled for June 6, and this will be one of the main points of discussion at the meeting.

The suspension that the racing industry in Maryland is going through hard times already existed even before the shutdown. This course of events was the additional step to confirm the doubts.

Pimlico once was a popular site among gamblers, which showcases the annual report for 2021 published by the Racing Commission. Only in that year the wagers were worth more than $11.3 million. According to the report, the track was open on 199 days a year, and there were 59 live racing days as well.

The unsuccessful attempt to reduce the expenses:

So, what will the shutdown mean for the bettors who visited the track? The possible solution is to transfer the money and bettors to the Timonium Race Course and Horseshoe Baltimore.

June 30 is the date when the 10-year deal between the Maryland Jockey Club, Maryland Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association, the Maryland Horse Breeders Association, and Laurel Park and Pimlico ended after the six months extension that took place on December 31 last year.

The racing calendar for Pimlico is available until June 30. In the last days of the famous track, the players will be able to enjoy the live racing events until June 4. The simulcasting is scheduled until June 30.

The Maryland Jockey Club tried to reduce the expenses with a recent proposal to the horsemen and breeders, trying to reduce its share of the prize money from races. The recently established Maryland Thoroughbred Operating Authority will be the mediator between the Club and horsemen and breeders.

Through the Purse Dedication Account, they are getting 6% of the state revenue earned from video lottery terminals if the amount is less than $100 million. The budget for the next fiscal year, which begins a day after the shutdown, is set for $81.8 million for both tracks: thoroughbred, which will receive 80% of the amount, and standardbred, which will receive 20%.

Pragmatic Play expands LatAm footprint; agrees iGaming content supply deal with Super 7 in Buenos Aires

Pragmatic Play revisits the capital of Argentina in its latest content supply deal that sees it partner with Super 7 and supply its award-winning slots portfolio to the online operator’s customers in Buenos Aires.

The deal that further expands the leading content provider’s footprint in Latin America makes player-favorite titles such as the Greek mythology-themed title Gates of Olympus, which won the Game of the Year award at the EGR Operator Awards on November 25, 2021, Sweet Bonanza, and The Dog House Megaways, which brings back all the loveable characters from the hit 2019 version and incorporates the powerful mechanic used under license from Australian games developer Big Time Gaming (BTG).

Committment to quality:

For Super 7, Shai Rosenzvit said…

…Pragmatic Play’s “strong and engaging range of slots have proven extremely popular and it’s a statement of our commitment to quality that we are now able to bring them to our loyal customer baseCome from Online Betting Site. We look forward to a fruitful relationship together.”

This latest deal follows a series of partnerships in the Latin American region, including most recently taking its popular online bingo product live with Venezuelan iGaming and sports betting brand, FacilitoBet, and throughout the month with MarjoSports in Brazil, Once Bit Tech, and Bet7K, a key player in the Brazilian market, earlier in February.

Pragmatic Play’s substantial growth in the region further demonstrates its intent to uphold its position as a leader within the burgeoning market.

Growing player base:

Also commenting on the alliance, Victor Arias, Vice President of Latin American Operations for Pragmatic Play, said, “We have experienced significant growth in Latin America and the Buenos Aires City jurisdiction.”

Arias added that they are “pleased this latest partnership with prominent operator Super 7 will gives us the opportunity to supply our games to even more players.”

Arias, along with part of its localized Latin America hub team, will represent Pragmatic Play at the Gaming and Technology Expo (GAT Expo) in Cartagena De Indias, Colombia from March 15th – 17th. A platinum sponsor at the prestigious three-day event, the supplier’s exhibit will be at stand #60, while Arias will share his industry knowledge with attendees via conferences and panels.

Recent business:

On the back of the deal in Argentina, the provider also extended its presence in the UK market after taking its slots catalog live with Admiral Casino.

The partnership agreement with the UK online brand of Austrian gambling company Novomatic will see more than 200 slot titles, including popular releases such as the African wildlife-inspired title, The Ultimate 5, Colossal Cash Zone, Gates of Valhalla and Rock Vegas, the Mega Hold & Spin slot from partner studio, Reel Kingdom, further enhance the operator’s games lobby.

Pragmatic also launched its first new slot of the month, Queenie, and marked International Women’s Day with a €10,000 donation to Malta-based Survivors of Abuse with Resilience (SOAR). The advocacy service provides one-on-one support to women and their children who have expereinced abuse.

Red Tiger Gaming Launches Piggy Riches 2 Megaways with Hold & Respin and 20,000X Max Win

Piggy Riches 2 Megaways by Red Tiger Gaming is a vibrant casino slot sequel featuring opulent pigs living in the lap of luxury. Following the success of its predecessors, Piggy Riches and Piggy Riches Megaways, this game introduces the innovative Hold & Respins feature alongside a potential max win of 20,000X the bet. Join us as we delve into the world of these wealthy swine and explore what Piggy Riches 2 Megaways has to offer!

Overview of Piggy Riches 2 Megaways:Come from Online Betting Site

The slot sequel boasts a 6-reel layout with 2-7 rows and up to 117,649 ways to win. Players can wager between a minimum bet of 0.1 and a maximum bet of 4. The game is designed with multiple RTP settings, starting at a default of 95.71%, with variations available to operators at 94.72%, 92.72%, or 90.75%. Featuring a hit frequency of 33.83% and high volatility, it promises thrilling gameplay alongside its impressive jackpot potential.

Set in a lavish mansion backdrop adorned with golden statues and fountains, Piggy Riches 2 Megaways immerses players in the extravagant lifestyle of its porcine protagonists. The game grid dominates the screen, offering a clear view of the gameplay enhanced by vibrant visuals. For an enhanced experience, players can utilize the red Feature Buy button located conveniently next to the Spin button.

Playable on all devices, from mobiles to desktops, the game rewards players for landing 3 or more matching symbols on adjacent reels starting from the leftmost reel, triggering the Chain Reaction feature.

Symbols range from lower-paying 10, J, Q, K, and A to higher-paying icons like a piggy bank, purse, key, credit card, and money bag. Higher-paying symbols offer substantial rewards, with the money bag symbol capable of paying up to 100X the bet for a full set on the reels.

Special symbols:

The Wild Symbol, represented by a hat-wearing pig labeled Wild, appears stacked and carries multipliers ranging from 2X to 7X, boosting all wins it contributes to. Meanwhile, the Scatter Symbol, depicted as a female pig, triggers the Hold & Respin feature when 3 or more land on the reels.

Central to Piggy Riches 2 Megaways is its Hold & Respin feature, activated by landing 3 or more Scatter Symbols. This bonus round awards 3 initial Free Spins, with additional rows added corresponding to the number of triggering Scatters. Players start with a Bonus Wheel spin to determine Cash Symbols and Saves, with Cash Symbols locking in place and resetting spins upon each new Cash Symbol appearance.

During the Hold & Respin feature, Special Symbols such as Piggy Bank, Purse, Key, Money Bag, Gentleman Pig, Lady Pig, and Credit Cards enhance gameplay dynamics. These symbols introduce unique mechanics like row expansions, cash accumulations, and multipliers, culminating in potential significant wins.

For instant access to the Hold & Respin feature, players can opt for the Feature Buy option, offering various tiers ranging from 75X to 900X the bet, each providing different enhancements to the base game.

Suncity Group Holdings Limited expecting to record full-year profit

Asian casino investor Suncity Group Holdings Limited has reportedly announced that it expects to release its 2020 financials next week featuring a respectable full-year profit attributable to shareholders of about $115.1 million.

According to a report from GGRAsia, the Hong Kong-listed enterprise detailed that the positive result comes after it finished 2019 with a loss of slightly beyond $227.1 million owing to its investment in a multitude of gambling-friendly schemes spread across Asia. The source explained that these outlays had included the purchase of a majority stake in the owner of the Tigre de Cristal venue located near the eastern Russian city of Vladivostok as well as a deal to run a casino inside Vietnam’s coming Hoiana development.

Coronavirus consequences:

Suncity Group Holdings Limited is led by Macau businessman Alvin Chau Cheok Wa and is to also reportedly be in charge of the casino inside the five-star Resorts World Westside City venue being built on a 297-acre plot of land in Manila’s Entertainment City district. The enterprise behind Asian junket firm Suncity Group moreover purportedly proclaimed that the coronavirus pandemic and an associated drop in the number of VIP players had ‘significantly impacted’ its 2020 financial results with overall revenues set to be down by around 67.8% year-on-year to approximately $30.58 million.

Advantageous additions:

Despite this slump and Inside Asian Gaming reported that Suncity Group Holdings Limited is nevertheless due to return to profitability courtesy of a number of factors including a gain on the change in value of its derivatives worth in the region of $208.7 millionVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. This source purportedly divulged that the firm is furthermore set to profit to the tune of some $32.7 million courtesy of a similar windfall linked to the price of its convertible bonds following an earlier extension to their maturity dates.

Russian reckoning:

Suncity Group Holdings Limited will reportedly be additionally benefitting from the value of its 69.7% stake in Summit Ascent Holdings Limited, which owns the Russia’s Tigre de Cristal property, rising by something like $30.8 million. All these bonuses are to purportedly be added to the around $23.8 million in cash the company received last month after disposing of a loss-making property development and leasing entity that has interests in China’s giant Guangdong Province.

Ultimate outlook:

However, Suncity Group Holdings Limited reportedly divulged that all of these positives are to be regrettably ‘offset’ by an expected aggregate operating deficit for 2020 of approximately $155 million owing to an around $63.8 million loss in the value of its properties, ongoing finance costs of about $53 million, a $31.6 million setback from an unidentified joint venture and some $7.2 million in impairment charges linked to its interest in an associate.